Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The truth about amalgam (mercury containing) fillings!

The photos belowe show defective amalgam (silver) restorations! Our patient was not experiencing any discomfort. When I presented my concerns, the response was "they are not bothering me". These restorations had leakage which in simple terms spells bacterial infiltration peripheral to exisiting restorations. Amalgam fillings are not bonded to the underlying tooth structure. Being metallic in nature, they conduct heat and cold much faster than white fillings which are either glass (ceramic) or plastic (composite) . Additionally there is microscopic shrinkage and expansion within the fillings in relation to the temperature changes in the mouth, much more so than their tooth colored counterparts. As a result a microscopic gap will develop on the margin of the silver restorations which will eventually allow bacterial invasion. As the bacteria form a colony, they will ultimately lead to decay and weakening of the otherwise healthy tooth structure. This is why many large silver restorations will eventually end in needing crowns . We like to take a proactive approach, and eliminate the potential need for crowns by preventive strengthening of the existing tooth strucutre. This is done by conservative removal of the defective silver and immediately restoring it with a single visit CAD/CAM ceramic restoration.

The darkening peripheral to the above restorations indicates decay. These silver restorations were removed and restored to completion in a single visit utilizing CAD/CAM technology. In the past impressions would be taken, temporary restorations would be placed, and approximately 2 weeks later the final restoration would be seated. There is no longer a need for a second visit in the majority of the situations. This means no additional anesthesia and less time in the dental office. Below are the final restorations of the same teeth:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I find that we are finding out more and more about the dangers and downfalls of Amalgam Fillings. This article shows us the problems with the amalgam filling shrinking and the problems that causes. I have also read articles on the dangers of amalgam fillings at the following site www.naturaldentistry.us that I found very interesting and enlightening.
