Monday, July 20, 2009

To floss or not to floss! That is the question!

Decay noted in between the teeth due to lack of flossing. This was diagnosed in 2004. It was recommended for these teeth to be restored with conservative fillings. Our patient did not follow through with the recommended treatment, and did not floss either.

In June 2009 our patient returned to our office complaining of severe pain on the upper and lower right side. The decay on the previously diagnosed teeth had advanced to the nerve. At this point nerve damage was irreversible and root canal treatment was recommended and performed on both teeth.

The above images show the completed root canal treatment on both teeth. The image in the middle shows the final crowns that were done in a single visit immediately after root canal treatments were completed. The conclusion is: "all of this treatment could have easily been avoided by disciplined daily flossing". Yet our patient chose to go the difficult way and it was costly. We do not want anyone to have to go through this rigorous route, and we are fully in favor of preventive measures!

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