Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tooth wear! Should you be concerned? What are the long term mainfestations?

The irregular edges of the front teeth indicate severe wear because of "bruxism". This occurs when the way the teeth come together is not is support of the jaw joint's (Tempro Mandibular Joint, better known as TMJ) ideal position of function. This is equivalent to 4 tires in an automobile not functioning in proper alignment. As can be imagined, eventually the wear on the tires will lead to a blow out and vehicular failure. It is all a matter of time. The earlier the steps are taken, the easier it is to stabilize the situation.

The right side is shown here.

The occlusal (top) view of both the upper and lower teeth are showing the wear facets caused by the improper alignment of the upper and lower jaw. Note that the left side shows relatively more wear as compared to the right side. The specifics of the cause of this type of dysfunctions can and will be diagnosed and properly treated!
Full frontal view clearly indicates the irregular edges caused by years of "bruxism". At least 2-3 mm. of healthy tooth structre has been worn off over the years, and the pattern will continue unless steps are taken to stabilize the jaw function. Although the reasons for the treatment and correction of this type of conditions are NOT COSMETIC IN NATURE, esthetic enhancement is a side benefit. Patients must not be confused regarding the main reason behind any proposed treatment. It is done primarily to stabilize and improve the function of the masticatory system.

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